Wednesday, October 30, 2019
SWOT analysis Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 2
SWOT analysis - Assignment Example The site can be easily accessed by road, boat or rail any time by tourists or any interested individuals. The numbers of tourist frequenting the sites are many with registration of up to 150,000 in the years 2006 and 2007 (Elspeth and Leanne 2001). One of the main weaknesses found in the site is that it has to use the fee paid by tourists for maintenance of the prison, for example, the fee will be used to reconstruct and paint old building to last long. This means that low turnouts due to various factors would reduce the efficiency of the site. Additionally, the heritage site does not have enough parking area for buses and small cars forcing tourists and visitors to park their cars in town before accessing the site. The site is also not clear of sharp and dangerous objects tourists (Tours n.d). The biggest opportunity for the Fremantle area is that it has various industries with different economic effects and different lifestyles caused by different structures such as entertainment. The proprietors can also improve ways of accessing the site with the use of available materials on archives and tourism guides available online (Kumar 2008). Additionally, Fremantle prison is integrated as one of the world heritage sites; the site was nominated by the Australian government as Australian Convict sites making the only heritage sites in Western Australia (Chassà © 2011). The threat to the existence of the heritage site is that minimal accommodation is available in the area, thus forcing visitors to look for accommodation elsewhere making them visit the site less number of times (Tours n.d). Another threat is that there is no clear investment for services to be provided to visitors. There are competitions from other heritage sites within Fremantle
Monday, October 28, 2019
Involves and acid and a metal Essay Example for Free
Involves and acid and a metal Essay The Problem: To investigate one of the factors affecting the rate of reaction between a metal and an acid. Background Knowledge: The balanced equation for the reaction that takes place between magnesium and hydrochloric acid is: Mg + 2HCl == MgCl + Cl From this equation, we can already see that it involves and acid and a metal, therefore: Acid + metal == salt + hydrogen The ionisation equation of the hydrochloric acid is: HCl(aq) == H + Cl This experiment will demonstrate the breaking of bonds. Bonds break in order to allow certain atoms to re-arrange before the new bonds are formed. When magnesium reacts with the hydrochloric acid, a particle of this acid must collide with a particle of the magnesium with adequate energy in order to break the bonds between the magnesium and the hydrochloric acid. This is known as the Collision Theory. The collisions between the particles must collide more often and with more sufficient energy in order for the rate of reaction to increase. Although, not every collision produces a successful reaction as they require a certain amount of energy to break bonds. This is called activation energy. The rate of a chemical reaction refers to the speed at which it happens, and different metals react at various rates. The progress of a reaction can be measured by the rate of a formation of a product or by the decrease of reactants. There are four main factors that can be varied to affect the rate of reaction between magnesium and acid: 1. Surface area (of the reactants) 2. Concentration (of the reactant) 3. Temperature 4. The presence of a specific catalyst If the surface area were increased by using a magnesium powder, then the reaction would speed up, as there are more particles that are able to collide with the hydrochloric acid. The products of a reaction are formed as a result of the collisions between the reactant particles. Consequently, if the concentration of a solution is increased, collisions are more likely to occur. The more often the particles collide, the higher the chance that a reaction will take place. Subsequently, the rate of a chemical reaction increases if the concentration of the reactant is also increased. This is also because the rate is proportional to the concentration. E. g. Diagram to illustrate a high concentration and a low concentration: When the temperature at which the reaction is carried out is increased, the energy of the particles also increases. As a result of this, the particles move much faster allowing them to collide more often with other particles. Therefore, as there are more collisions and these collisions are more energetic, the rate of reaction increases. Catalysts are used to speed up a reaction. These biological catalysts are extremely specific, therefore only speed up certain reactions. Every chemical reaction taking place has an exclusive enzyme catalyst (an enzyme is a protein molecule produced in a living cell.) A catalyst will decrease the activation energy and forms an alternative path to help the collisions to be more successful. Safety: As I will be using glass conical flasks and burettes, I will be very careful when handling them in case I harm myself or others by dropping them. The hydrochloric acid is also corrosive, which means that it is able to eat away at materials that it is within contact with. Again, I should handle this carefully and ensure that there are no spillages. Water seems quite harmless, but if I spill any, it is possible that someone may skid or trip on it. For safety precautions, I will wear goggles and an overall and also tie my hair back. Method: I will begin by attatching a plastic burette clamp to a clamp stand at a practical height to begin my experiment. I will then fill my water tub approximately 1/2 full with water, and place it next to my clamp stand (so that the burette clamp is able to hole the burette above the tub. ) Next, I will fill my burette with tap water above 50cmi and attach it to my clamp stand using the burette clamp. Very quickly, I will swiftly turn the burette upside down and speedily submerge it under the water. Afterwards, I will produce the solution of hydrochloric acid and water using separate measuring cylinders. I will remove the bung that is stopping the conical flask, and pour in the measurements of hydrochloric acid and water. I will then drop the magnesium ribbon (which will be cut using scissors), replace the bung and swirl the solution for a second, whilst starting the stop clock. I will take readings every 10 seconds. Diagram: Apparatus: Burette Delivery tube Clamp stand Burette clamp Magnesium tape Distilled water Stop clock Conical flask Measuring cylinders (at least 2).
Saturday, October 26, 2019
The Forbidden Experiment by Roger Shattuck Essay -- Forbidden Experime
The Forbidden Experiment by Roger Shattuck It is one of the oldest unanswered questions in all of science. Though slightly more grounded in empirical science than the likes of "Where did we come from?" or "Why are we here?" the impossible Nature/Nurture dichotomy has tormented truth-bound scientists for years. Recent advances in genetics have brought forward new possibilities for those who would study the pure effects of environmental variables on animals, but we are far from allowing ourselves to manipulate other human beings in such ways for the sake of collecting data. This strong moral stance does not diminish our curiosity and so the question must be asked: What would we do if a case in which the human had already been manipulated, by no will of our own, fell into the hands of science? How far would we go? Every couple hundred years, one of these humans, by chance or by a case of true cruelty, falls into the hands of scientists, eager to make the most of such a 'misfortune'. Roger Shattuck's The Forbidden Experiment follows one of the more prominent cases of our recent history, that of the 'Wild Boy of Aveyron.' The book takes little time to peak the reader's curiosity with the tale of a "savage" twelve-year-old wandering out of the woods of southern France on a cold January evening in 1800. Without a known history or the ability to communicate with his captors, Victor, as he was later named, was assumed to have lived in the wild for at least six years and probably more. In the midst of an intellectually lively France, Victor wandered into immediate fame and was brought to Paris so that the most capable scientists could take advantage of studying a human raised almost completely in isolation. The st... ...t are our motives in these 'unfortunate' instances? Would we learn from the dumb how not to speak; how to forget? Or would we teach language and culture so that Victor may live with us and suffer as we do? What does that make us? References 1) Shattuck, Roger. The Forbidden Experiment. New York: Farrar Straus Giroux, 1980 2)NOVA transcript, transcript for 'Genie' episode 3)The Civilizing of Genie , the story of Genie 4)Online News Hour, Shattuck interview 5)Ethical Culture Book Review, review of Forbidden Knowledge 6)Feral Children Website, a great resource about 'wild' children
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Sanchez and Levine Summary
In making the distinction between competency modeling (CM) and traditional Job analysis (TAXI the authors articulate that the latter encores itself with describing and measuring day-to-day operations of specific roles In an organization while the former relates to desired behavioral competencies that transcend various roles and In doing so contribute to an overarching organizational strategy. The authors compare CM and TAX along six dimensions: purpose, view of the job, focus, time orientation, performance level and measurement approach.While all dimensions are equally important in making a clear distinction between the two concepts, for the purpose of this summary I will be focusing on what is in my opinion he three most relevant distinctions between the two HRS methodologies namely, focus, time orientation and performance level. The authors argue that TAX focuses solely on the job and in doing so fails to recognize that job behavior could be influenced by factors other than formal responsibilities.CM on the other hand, builds itself around notions of 'employer brand' and 'employee value proposition' that include behavioral themes and unique performance characteristics that derive directly from the organizational identity itself. The focus of CM Is particularly important because it has significant practical implications when communicating management expectations to employees.An employer brand should identify with a business strategy and communicating strategic competencies as a component of management expectations is more likely to encourage on-brand behavior in the delivery of products and services to customers, regardless of the employee's Job title. For example, the inclusion of ‘Discretionary Effort' among Feeder's competencies encourages Its employees to go above and beyond their day-to-day Job responsibilities and provide creative solutions to customers' demands, which Is consistent with an overarching business strategy of exceeding customer expect ations.Furthermore, since competencies communicate universal behavioral themes that the organization wishes to see across all Jobs, employees seeking career advancement are able to identify with these themes and perform their duties that not only benefit themselves but the organization as well. Most organizations do not engage their employees In a manner that encourages them to demonstrate such on-brand behavior.However It seems quite clear, that accompanying specific job duties with these behavioral themes and rewarding employees for demonstrating such behaviors in the workplace could have a significant impact on a firm's reputation and overall consistency in the manner employees perform their duties. Secondly, the authors argue that TAX Is rooted In the past because It concerns itself with describing a Job by relying on those who have performed the Job till date.In contrast CM NAS a Touch on ten Torture, Decease It communicates now a Joy snouts be interpreted and performed from no w on regardless of past behavior. TAX takes a bottom-up approach relying on information obtained from employees performing the job, while CM takes a top-down approach by communicating generic behavioral themes identified by leaders who are also responsible for strategic planning.Furthermore, the authors interject that TAX outlines day-to-day operational capabilities that have facilitated the survival of the organization till date, while CM concerns itself with change-oriented competencies that encourage employees to demonstrate certain behavioral characteristics that may facilitate growth and hang. In essence, CM allows employees to better understand how their specific Job assignments contribute to the organization's strategic initiatives and when provided with the right incentives, employees are more likely to change their behaviors that align with these strategies going in to the future.Providing employees with a sense of purpose and direction that facilitates the firm's future gr owth is more likely to encourage behaviors that go above and beyond an employee's basic duties in serving the customers which may in turn serve the organization as well. Last but not the least, the distinct performance level addressed by TAX and CM is of particular significance because it allows us to understand what will bring out the best from employees in an organization.While TAX addresses the typical' requirements needed to perform the work assignments, CM focuses on ‘maximal' performance by encouraging a series of loosely coupled behavioral themes that go beyond the operational efficiency of basic aspects of a Job. This distinction is significant because if managers wish to encourage employees to perform at a level hat goes beyond the typical day-to-day responsibilities, they must excel at implicitly communicating these behavioral themes to others in the organization.These themes tend to be generic so they transcend across all Job titles within the organization and bear on the interpersonal aspects of the manner in which the Job ought to be performed. Therefore, as mentioned earlier, those seeking career advancement have a clear idea of what sort of behavior will result in favorable outcomes and that optimizing day-to-day operations alone will not serve them or the organization in the long run.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
April ABC, Inc
In the beginning of April ABC, Inc. hired Carl Robins as their new campus recruiter. Carl was new to his position, but that did not stop him from striving to be a great recruiter right from the start. Carl successfully hired 15 new trainees to work for Monica Carrols the Operations Supervisor. Monica checked in with Carl to advise him of all the steps that are necessary to complete before the trainees could start working for the company. Carl felt confident about the situation and assured Monica that everything would be arranged in plenty of time. The goal is to have the trainees working by July; the problem is that Carl has neglected to make the proper arrangements to ensure all tasks will be accomplished. This analysis will try to come up with a good solution for Carl Robins to resolve the problems he has created. Carl has been in his recruiter position for six months; these 15 trainees are his first recruitment efforts for ABC, Inc. The trainees were recruited in early April; it was Carl’s hopes that he would have the hires working by July. The second week in May, Monica contacted Carl about the training schedule, letting him know it takes a lot of time to get the training schedule, policy booklets, manuals, drug test, physicals and many other areas scheduled. Carl would have to coordinate these tasks for the new employees before the new hire orientation; the orientation was dated for June 15. After Memorial Day, Carl looked over the new trainee files; the orientation was to take place in two weeks. As soon as Carl was done looking over the paperwork, he realized some of the trainees had not finished their applications, they did not have transcripts on file, and not one new hire had scheduled the mandatory drug screening. Many things Carl needed to be concerned about, he has been an employee for only six months, therefore if he does not fulfill this task, he might be in risk of loosing his job because this may not get another chance. He decided to look through the orientation manuals, but he had missing pages and he only had three copies; they would be no help in trying to prepare the materials for the orientation. Carl knew he confirmed Monica that everything would be done by the time for the new orientation course. Now he will have to figure out how he will execute the perfect plan to make things right again and have enough time to complete the tasks. Carl went to check the training room that he will use for the orientation training but he ound out that his co-worker Joe already reserved the room for giving computer training for the whole month of June. Carl did not know the training room was reserved and he will have to find a solution for finding a place to have the orientation; this was a major oversight from Carl’s part. Alternative solutions are needed in order to get Carl out of trouble and back on track and try not to loose his job. To start he can make a list of the pending tasks and give them an order of importance. He needs to have an estimate of time that will take each task and see how viable tasks are and if he needs an extra plan to make them happened. Carl can call a meeting with all the new hires and give them a list of requirements they will need to be considerate for a permanent position. Since the new hires will want the opportunity they will make the impossible to make it happen. The drug testing is mandatory and should be the top priority on his list; the second priority on the list, should be the manuals. Carl needs to complete the manuals; gather all the information and make sets of all the copies. If Carl can continue to be motivated to do a good job and make a great first impression, he can accomplish all tasks at hand. Once Carl has created his plan of action, he can make notes as to how he plans on figuring everything out. By contacting the new trainees that do not have a completed application and transcripts turned in he has not only informed the trainees of what is need from them in order to be completely hired, but he is also giving contact and that shows seriousness to the situation. If the new hires show up to orientation and do not have the drug screening complete they should be sent directly to the clinic to get the screening done. The reason the drug screening needs to be done prior to the orientation is the company does not want to hire anyone who is on drugs, so this task needs to be complete before they are even considered for the new hire orientation course. When the individuals show up for the course if they have not yet completed their part of the new orientation process they should be asked to leave; they can either complete their given tasks and contact Carl when they have done so or they can decided to not work for ABC, Inc.. The problem with allowing them to stay and complete the tasks at a later time is that they are getting a message that this is how they can conduct themselves while on the job. The manuals and incompatible reservations for the training room are Carl’s misdoings, so he needs to take responsibility for these matters. In order to have the orientation manuals be useful, Carl should consider completing the three that he has since they are only missing some pages and then make a power point slide show to use as the main course material. By turning the material into a power point slide he is giving the trainees a chance to take notes and he can create the presentation at home during off work hours. Carl should take one of the manuals and combine whatever information is missing into it. The situation with using the training rooms can only be fixed by Carl taking to his co-worker Joe. The new hire orientation only takes one day and since Joe has the room booked all month, he may not mind giving up one day, so his co-worker can utilize the space. If Joe says that Carl using the room is not possible, Carl needs to find another space to hold the orientation. The best thing to do would be to find another room that has access to a computer hook up and can display a power point presentation. There are only 15 new hires and they do not need computers for the course, so just about any space should do the job. Another solution could be for Carl to have the room for half a day on two different days; by doing this you give Joe his space everyday and he make be able to re-work his course schedule easier by not being asked to leave his room for a whole day. It is clear to see that Carl was slacking in all areas need to complete his first recruitment job for ABC, Inc. Carl did not plan ahead, he did not organize, and he did not prioritize any of the tasks. This being Carl’s first job for the company he should have taken it more seriously and he should have listened to the advice given to him by Monica Carrols, she is in a management position, has been with the company longer and knew what steps needed to be taken to succeed. Carl should learn from this mishap and always give himself plenty of time to complete a job the right way, he should listen to those who have valuable advice, and he should communicate with co-workers more effectively. If Carl can get his act together, he has real promise to being a great recruiter and asset for ABC, Inc.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Belarus essays
Belarus essays On August 25, 1991 the Republic of Belarus gained its independence from the Soviet Union.The Republic of Belarus had recognized the city of Minsk as its capital. Landlocked in Eastern Europe, Belarus has a total area of 207,600 sq km, including no appreciable water areas. Belarus has 3,098 km of borderline adjacent to 5 different countries. Belarus is mainly comprised generally of flat land with a good deal of marshland. This land can be dived into 5 land uses: arable land 29%, permanent crops 1%, permanent pastures 15%, forests and woodland 34%, other 21% (1993 est.). Belarus generally has cool and moist summers with cold and sometimes harsh winters. Belarus main natural resources consist of peat deposits, forests, and small quantities of natural gas and oil. Since Minsks liberation in 1944 its population has steadily increased from 50,000 to 1,672,000 people as (1995 est.), qualifying it as the largest city in Belarus. Excluding Minsk, Belarus top 5 cities by population in order are: Homjel', Mahiljow, Vicebsk, Hrodna, and Brst (2001 est.). 99.9 % of all electricity in Belarus is produced by fossil fuels while 0.01 % is hydroelectric. Per year, Belarus produces 24.911 billion kWh while the consumption of kWh is at 27.647 billion kWh, forcing Belarus to import 7.1 billion kWh, although Belarus does export 2.62 billion kWh. The only environmental issues plaguing Belarus are soil pollution from excessive pesticide use and nuclear fallout in the south from the 1986 Chernobyl accident. Belarus has a population of 10,350,194, growing at a rate of -.15% per year. Belarus has a population density of 50.10 people/sq km, currently ranked 147th in the world. Belarus has a mortality rate of 13.97 deaths/1,000 population and a infant mortality rate of 14.38 deaths/1,000 live births. Belarus ratios are: under 15 years: 1.04 male(s)/female ...
Monday, October 21, 2019
Anthem Essay essays
Anthem Essay essays We made it. We created it. We brought it forth from the night (59). I believe about it because us humans create objects, and let it into the light by inventing it. So, I think in a way, all inventions are in the dark until we create them and bring them into the light. The book Anthem talks about how their minds create things, things that came from the light in their minds. I do not surrender my treasure, nor do I share them (95). We all have something that we call a treasure. Anthems treasure is the spirit, which all of us say different about and feels different about. I guess my treasure is a little bit of this and that. One is how I feel about certain things that I would rather die than expose. The other one is that I wish that I could just erase from my treasure. I do not know what causes it, all I know is that it is there, and shall always be too. What is my freedom if all the creatures even the boched and the impotent, are my masters (97) Anthem talks about how life is from taking orders from people while being like slaves. I feel like this all the time, of my life everyday. I feel this way because of all the objects we cling to. Objects such as school, water, food, and taxes. But, most of all what I get is that under someway somehow, we are all under some kind of slavery. Food and water are the two that I believe, is the worst type of slavery in this case. Some people stave themselves because of the way they think about themselves. While others, are just the opposite; they eat as much as they want, but still dont like the way they are. So, I guess it all goes hand-in-hand with the way we all think about ourselves. People dont like the way they look, so they do what they think is best. So maybe we are our own slaves to ourselves. ...
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Modeling Meiosis Lab Lesson Plan
Modeling Meiosis Lab Lesson Plan Sometimes students struggle with some concepts that relate to evolution. Meiosis is a somewhat complicated process, but necessary to mix up genetics of offspring so natural selection can work on a population by choosing the most desirable traits to be passed down to the next generation. Hands-on activities can help some students grasp the concepts. Especially in cellular processes when it is difficult to imagine something so small. The materials in this activity are common and easily found. The procedure does not rely on expensive equipment like microscopes or take up a lot of space. Preparing for Modeling Meiosis Classroom Lab Activity Pre-Lab Vocabulary Before starting the lab, make sure students can define the following terms: MeiosisChromosomeCrossing OverHaploidDiploidHomologous PairGametesZygote Purpose of the Lesson To understand and describe the process of meiosis and its purpose using models. Background Information Most cells in multicellular organisms like plants and animals are diploid. A diploid cell has two sets of chromosomes that form homologous pairs. A cell with only one set of chromosomes are considered haploid. Gametes, like the egg and sperm in humans, are examples haploid. Gametes fuse during sexual reproduction to form a zygote which is once again diploid with one set of chromosomes from each parent. Meiosis is a process that starts with one diploid cell and creates four haploid cells. Meiosis is similar to mitosis and must have the cells DNA replicate before it can begin. This creates chromosomes that are made up of two sister chromatids connected by a centromere. Unlike mitosis, meiosis requires two rounds of division to get half the number of chromosomes into all of the daughter cells.      Meiosis begins with meiosis 1 when homologous pairs of chromosomes will be split. The stages of meiosis 1 are similarly named to the stages in mitosis and also have similar milestones: prophase 1: homologous pairs come together to form tetrads, nuclear envelope disappears, spindle forms (crossing over may also happen during this phase)metaphase 1: tetrads line up at the equator following the law of independent assortmentanaphase 1: homologous pairs are pulled aparttelophase 1: cytoplasm divides, nuclear envelope may or may not reform The nuceli now only have 1 set of (duplicated) chromosomes. Meiosis 2 will see the sister chromatids split apart. This process is just like mitosis. The names of the stages are the same as mitosis, but they have the number 2 after them (prophase 2, metaphase 2, anaphase 2, telophase 2). The main difference is that the DNA does not go through replication before the start of meiosis 2. Materials and Procedure You will need the following materials: String4 different colors of paper (preferably light blue, dark blue, light green, dark green)Ruler or Meter StickScissorsMarker4 paper clipsTape Procedure: Using 1 m piece of string, make a circle on your desk to represent the cell membrane. Using a 40 cm piece of string, make another circle inside the cell for the nuclear membrane.Cut 1 strip of paper that is 6 cm long, and 4 cm wide from each color of paper (one light blue, one dark blue, one light green, and one dark green) Fold each of the four strips of paper in half, lengthwise. Then place the folded strips of each color inside the nucleus to represent a chromosome before replication. The light and dark strips of the same color represent homologous chromosomes. At one end of the dark blue strip write a large B (brown eyes) on the light blue make a lower case b (blue eyes). On the dark green at a tip write T (for tall) and on the light green write a lower case t (short)Modeling interphase: to represent DNA replication, unfold each paper strip and cut in half lengthwise. The two pieces that result from cutting each strip represent the chromatids. Attach the two identical chromati d strips at the center with a paperclip, so an X is formed. Each paper clip represents a centromere.4 Modeling prophase 1: remove the nuclear envelope and put it aside. Place the light and dark blue chromosomes side by side and the light and dark green chromosomes side by side. Simulate crossing over by measuring and cutting a 2 cm tip for a light blue strip that includes the letters you drew on them earlier. Do the same with a dark blue strip. Tape the light blue tip to the dark blue strip and vice versa. Repeat this process for the light and dark green chromosomes.Modeling metaphase 1: Place four 10 cm strings inside the cell, so that two strings extend from one side into the center of the cell and two strings extend from the opposite side into the center of the cell. The string represents the spindle fibers. Tape a string to the centromere of each chromosome with tape. Move the chromosomes to the center of the cell. Make sure that the strings attached to the two blue chromosomes come from opposite sides of the cell (same for the two green chromosomes). Modeling anaphas e 1: Grab onto the ends of the strings on both sides of the cell, and slowly pull the strings in opposite directions, so the chromosomes move to opposite ends of the cell. Modeling telophase 1: Remove the string from each centromere. Place a 40 cm piece of string around each group of chromatids, forming two nuclei. Place a 1 m piece of string around each cell, forming two membranes. You now have 2 different daughter cells. MEIOSIS 2 Modeling prophase 2: Remove the strings that represent the nuclear membrane in both cells. Attach a 10 cm piece of string to each chromatid.Modeling metaphase 2:  Move the chromosomes to the center of each cell, so they are lined up at the equator. Make sure the strings attached to the two strips in each chromosome come from opposite sides of the cell.Modeling anaphase 2: Grab onto the strings on both sides of each cell, and pull them slowly in opposite directions. The strips should separate. Only one of the chromatids should have the paper clip still attached to it.Modeling telophase 2: Remove the strings and paper clips. Each strip of paper now represents a chromosome. Place a 40 cm. piece of string around each group of chromosomes, forming four nuclei. Place a 1m string around each cell, forming four separate cells with only one chromosome in each.  Analysis Questions Have students answer the following questions to understand the concepts explored in this activity. What process did you model when you cut the strips in half in interphase?What is the function of your paper clip? Why is it used to represent a centromere?What is the purpose of placing the light and dark strips of the same color side by side?How many chromosomes are in each cell at the end of meiosis 1? Describe what each part of your model represents.What is the diploid chromosome number of the original cell in your model? How many homologous pairs did you make?If a cell with a diploid number of 8 chromosomes undergoes meiosis, draw what the cell looks like after Telophase 1.What would happen to an offspring if cells did not undergo meiosis before sexual reproduction?How does crossing over change diversity of traits in a population?Predict what would happen if homologous chromosomes did not pair in prophase 1. Use your model to show this.
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Peer pressure Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Peer pressure - Assignment Example This pressure is not physical pressure or coercion. A person is just compelled to do what the peer group is doing. This happens on a subliminal level and the person feels compelled to join the act even if he or she disagrees. It is a form of persuasion but the person performs the act unwillingly. This phenomenon comes in many forms and mostly teenage students fall prey to this. They do stuff which their friends are doing just for social acceptance. They personally are not willing to do the act but they are mentally forced. People with weak personalities are more susceptible to peer pressure. They quickly give in to pressure of social groups because they want to be the part of them. Smoking is something that is mostly done under peer pressure. The problem with peer pressure is that it comes in a very subtle form. Smoking is an addictive behavior so it just needs a trigger. After a few times the person gets used to smoking and this is one of dangers of peer pressure. The dangers of peer pressure also extend to other forms of addictions and attitudes or actions. Peer pressure is not limited to schools and teenagers. The human need of social acceptance is great. We get in groups because we want to protect ourselves. In groups we feel a sense of protection. Human beings try to hide in groups because they are afraid their deficiencies are disclosed in front of others. The influence of positive remarks or social acceptance is great on human psychology. It raises our self esteem and makes us believe in ourselves. A few positive comments about shoes or clothes can make our day and bad comments are not appreciated by anyone. Why do we behave in such a manner? We do so because we like being liked. We want our friend around us to love us. We want attention and this is another reason why we feel prey to peer pressure. We usually spend our time with different groups and sub groups like family, friends and office
Friday, October 18, 2019
Diversity of Approaches Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Diversity of Approaches - Assignment Example Most of the final products as the final works of various developers might require integration at some point of which could prove challenging. This is acceptable especially where no common ground rules have been designed to monitor and control most of the upcoming software. Technology developers, relying on hardware and software, are constantly releasing upgrades or superior hardware with improved features. For the cases where software is used to develop other applications or as a base development platform then the developer has to adjust to fit into the changes. Take the Android development platform, for instance, the entry is in constant advancement to more stable forms after some turn out to be flawed. Modeling also changes especially where fixes were developed to correct bugs or another form of loopholes. Cloud hardware is a perfect example of the growing technology where virtualized resources are run by software. The changes emerging changes must be met by the developer to run on the intended hardware. This implies that if this is not checked through the correct modeling it will be expensive to make corrections and thus the advocating for the diversity (Nunes & Cunha, 2010). A human resource firm has different needs to those requested by a telephone or internet service providing company. The diversification is also critical to ensure that the implemented model features all the required entities and emphasis is held on the development time and resources used especially for large applications. One organization would probably require the whole program sufficient to run a different business as part of their masterpiece. Incorporating both of these requires skills and extensive skills in project modeling during the software development lifecycle. The number of systems as a form of diversification does not pass the test as it is entirely covered in the different organizations has different needs, option above,
The National Trust for Scotland (NTS) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
The National Trust for Scotland (NTS) - Essay Example The properties that are handled by the National Trust of Scotland are quite diverse ranging from castle to cottages. They also look after the birthplaces of famous Scots like Robbie Burns and taking care of the industrial heritage sites such as Lanark Mills also comes under their responsibility. Other than this, the Trust also takes care of over 200,000 acres of countryside including farmlands, mountains and moorlands, farmland forest, waterfalls, coastlines, and island (Countryhouses, 2010) Despite having such a great responsibility, the National Trust of Scotland has been ignoring its prescribed duty thus; it has to face the financial reality of their mistakes. These mistakes have somehow far- reaching consequences of its houses (Countryhouses, 2010). Marketing Proposal Mix The proper use of 7 Ps is very essential for internet marketing and when used properly, they can make a significant difference in online business. Therefore, to attract customers for the Trust, management should understand these policies and use them for the following reasons. Increase website traffic: To increase the internet traffic, the language used by the website must be easy and comprehendible to the viewers. By using the promotional strategies for the trust on the web, and advertising the places for the trust, you can surely gather the potential customer. The basic idea behind the increase in the traffic of website is to have an effective content on the site. Keeping in mind the element of people and place from the marketing mix, the trust should hire competent people who can make the site interactive for the user. It can also be done by making small a documentary on the places they handle (Snack, 2011). This might increase the budget of hiring but it can be recovered when business will be generated The other way to increase traffic on the site is to utilize the place, website, properly. Let people share information and their experiences about the trust places. Through this, the pro cess will be enhanced; they will remain engaged with the website and will come to know about the recent updates and offers made by the trust. Moreover, the management should keep on changing the features and content of the site so the user does not feel monotony. The anticipated outcome from these activities is to increase the viewership and the traffic on the site with little expenditure from the budget (Snack, 2011). Followers become advocates for the trust People who are passionate about the trust can become its best advocate. They can only become loyal customers if the Trust manages to give them the services they have promised them online. The Trust can make people their advocate if they manage to provide incentives to the people who will bring other customers for the Trust. These incentives can depend on the ratio of the business that they are bringing in; these customers can get free tickets to a national place or they can get discount of some events they want to hold in the T rust’s property. Through the proper planning, with very little investment the trust can play with Product and Pricing for the Promotion. The anticipated outcome form this is; the Trust can gain more customers with little investment. Thus, it will raise the income column of the budget sheet. Visit national Trust of Scotland or purchase from online store: It is generally
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Internet Marketing Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
Internet Marketing - Case Study Example With the series of eCommerce, which is the buying and selling of products and services via the internet, e-business has broken off into quite a few components, two of which are Business-to-Consumer (B2C) in addition to Business-to-Business (B2B). Furthermore, Business-to-Consumer or B2C commerce refers to the buying and selling of products and services online from the seller to the purchaser. It engages the "consumers shopping for and buying individual and household products. It also needs businesses to use online marketing and products techniques to draw and retain customers as well as to endorse products and services to them (eCommerce Program, 2005)." An instance of a victorious Business-to-Consumer website would be Just like the usual brick and mortar store, customers can log onto the site and shop for personal and family items. There are no mediators to go during, the shopper just adds items to his or her shopping cart and when ended, checks out with a credit card or online check. In a Business-to-Consumer environment, mainly functions of the company are handling or are obtainable to the consumer via the internet from sales to purchaser support. One of the advantages to online B2C method is the unlimited ava ilability of the site; as long as you can log in, you are free to browse and purchase. Background of Organization Established in 1982, Futureshop had turn into today Canada's main electronics retailer. Throughout these 20 years, Future Shop has full-grown from a "one store operation" situated in Burnaby, British Columbia, to Canada's main, fastest-growing nationwide retailer of customer electronic products for the digital age with more than 100 stores from coast to shore and still rising. (Their annual sales in year 2001 had surpassed 2 $ billion) Future Shop stores are now a separation of Burnaby-based Best Buy Canada Ltd., which is a wholly-owned supplementary of Best Buy Co. In order to achieve our objective the consulting team first looked at the company background and analyzed Futureshop's current value chain activities and the revenue model being used. An examination of the various methods they use in order to market and promote their website was conducted. This was achieved by looking into aspects of market segmentation, web presence, and specific advertising used at Futureshop's webpage. Our team also studied the legal, ethical and cultural issues pertaining to Futureshop. Now for each of these sections of analysis we performed a SWOT analysis in order to characterize our most important findings. By using our SWOT analysis we were able to propose recommendations which are suggested to improve the business. Service/Product Offering This project investigates the web based business of a well known Canadian based retailer, The main objective of the Futureshop e-commerce website is to be at an international level of business and to enhance its marketing capabilities. Our team analyzed the website of Futureshop. This company's presence on the web was established in 1995 and represents a reflection of all goods and services delivered by Futureshop to its customers. Futureshop. By the end of the project we have given our conclusions
Managing Youth and Community Work Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
Managing Youth and Community Work - Essay Example Youth clubs have a long and storied history in the United Kingdom. Though serving a modified client base, in many ways Sweatman's assessment of the need for Youth Clubs is reflected in the activities modern day Youth Services provide (i.e. companionship, useful instruction, strong guiding influence). Youth services rely on public funds to run their programmes, though they are rarely run like most public agencies. There is a strong reliance on volunteers and part-time employees, emphasizing partnerships in the community. As such, managing youth and community workers can be challenging. Understanding management needs in this field necessitates an understanding of the differing management theories from which the youth service and individual youth and community managers will draw. Some consider Machiavelli's The Prince to be the seminal work in management philosophy. However, most students in the field regard Frederick Taylor's The Principles of Scientific Management as the definitive work quantifying and describing management theory. ... y the turn of the century it was evident that informal leadership structures of the past needed to be formalized to organise and direct the ever-increasing employee base while enhancing productivity. Taylor is credited with coining the term "scientific management" as well as the first theorist of the Classical School of Management Theory. As noted by Freeman (1996), key components of scientific management include: Developing a science for each person's work Scientifically selecting, training, teaching, and developing each worker The belief that "management should do the thinking while workers should perform the tasks." (Herndon, 1997) Prosperity for the employer and employee Freeman further noted that Taylor's "Task Idea" is one of the most prominent elements of this era. The "Task Idea" focuses on planning, planning the task of each worker including planning instructions to complete the task, planning the time to complete the task, planned so that each worker performs a task most suited to their strengths. Although initially scientific management seemed to enhance efficiency and productivity, its routine nature led to worker boredom and the management-labor rift grew precipitously. Another prominent theory of the Classical School is Max Weber's Bureaucratic Management theory. Indeed, Weber is credited with coining the term "bureaucracy" to describe a given organisational structure. As reprinted in Miller (1963), Weber believed the "fundamental categories of rational legal authority" to include: 1. A continuous organization of official functions bound by rules 2. A specified sphere of competence 3. The organization of offices follows the principle of hierarchy; that is, each lower office is under the control and supervision of a higher one. 4. The rules which
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Internet Marketing Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
Internet Marketing - Case Study Example With the series of eCommerce, which is the buying and selling of products and services via the internet, e-business has broken off into quite a few components, two of which are Business-to-Consumer (B2C) in addition to Business-to-Business (B2B). Furthermore, Business-to-Consumer or B2C commerce refers to the buying and selling of products and services online from the seller to the purchaser. It engages the "consumers shopping for and buying individual and household products. It also needs businesses to use online marketing and products techniques to draw and retain customers as well as to endorse products and services to them (eCommerce Program, 2005)." An instance of a victorious Business-to-Consumer website would be Just like the usual brick and mortar store, customers can log onto the site and shop for personal and family items. There are no mediators to go during, the shopper just adds items to his or her shopping cart and when ended, checks out with a credit card or online check. In a Business-to-Consumer environment, mainly functions of the company are handling or are obtainable to the consumer via the internet from sales to purchaser support. One of the advantages to online B2C method is the unlimited ava ilability of the site; as long as you can log in, you are free to browse and purchase. Background of Organization Established in 1982, Futureshop had turn into today Canada's main electronics retailer. Throughout these 20 years, Future Shop has full-grown from a "one store operation" situated in Burnaby, British Columbia, to Canada's main, fastest-growing nationwide retailer of customer electronic products for the digital age with more than 100 stores from coast to shore and still rising. (Their annual sales in year 2001 had surpassed 2 $ billion) Future Shop stores are now a separation of Burnaby-based Best Buy Canada Ltd., which is a wholly-owned supplementary of Best Buy Co. In order to achieve our objective the consulting team first looked at the company background and analyzed Futureshop's current value chain activities and the revenue model being used. An examination of the various methods they use in order to market and promote their website was conducted. This was achieved by looking into aspects of market segmentation, web presence, and specific advertising used at Futureshop's webpage. Our team also studied the legal, ethical and cultural issues pertaining to Futureshop. Now for each of these sections of analysis we performed a SWOT analysis in order to characterize our most important findings. By using our SWOT analysis we were able to propose recommendations which are suggested to improve the business. Service/Product Offering This project investigates the web based business of a well known Canadian based retailer, The main objective of the Futureshop e-commerce website is to be at an international level of business and to enhance its marketing capabilities. Our team analyzed the website of Futureshop. This company's presence on the web was established in 1995 and represents a reflection of all goods and services delivered by Futureshop to its customers. Futureshop. By the end of the project we have given our conclusions
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Finacce for buisness Speech or Presentation Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Finacce for buisness - Speech or Presentation Example Round off to the nearest $1. 11. Bobby’s grandmother deposited $100 in a savings account for him when he was born. The money has been earning an annual rate of 12% interest, compounded quarterly for the last 25 years. He is getting married and would like to take his new bride on a fabulous honeymoon. How much does he have in this account to use? 13. Harold Hawkins bought a home for $320,000. He made a down payment of $45,000; the balance will be paid off over 30 years at a 6.775% rate of interest. How much will Haroldà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s monthly payments be? Round off to the nearest $1. 14.    You want to travel to Europe to visit relatives when you graduate from college three years from now. The trip is expected to cost a total of $10,000. Your parents have deposited $5,000 for you in a CD paying 6% interest annually, maturing three years from now. Aunt Hilda has agreed to finance the balance. If you are going to put Aunt Hildaà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s gift in an investment earning 10% over the next three years, how much must she deposit now so you can visit your relatives in three
Monday, October 14, 2019
Drunk Driving Essay Example for Free
Drunk Driving Essay Every year thousands of people die from drunk driving. Some survive a car accident, but others aren’t so lucky. Drunk drivers should have more punishments than what we have today. It would make the roads a lot safer if we had more cops out, make the blood alcohol level lower than it is now, and make the punishments stricter. This would of professional cops and law enforcements are highly trained, competent professionals who sometimes are equipped with requisite skills needed. There aren’t enough of them to keep a close eye on the whole town. Every day there is always something bad going on in this town. They should be doing their job not just driving around in their cars doing nothing. When cops do their job a lot of people get mad â€Å"Many people charged with drunk driving protest that their driving was fine. They believe either that the officer made up an excuse to pull them over, or that the â€Å"mistake†that the officer observed was appropriate or had nothing to do with their driving†. The law enforcements need to step up their game and protect us from drunk drivers and other things. As with any criminal charge, a person charged with driving while intoxicated or driving under the influence is presumed innocent until proven guilty. If guilty is established, the penalty will depend on state law, as well as on any aggravating circumstances and defendants cooperation with the police. Many of the punishments the law gives people are reasonable but they need to make the punishments for drunk driving higher and enforce them more. Because if they don’t our roads are going to get worse and people won’t feel safe at night time when they go out. â€Å"In some states if you get a DUI, you get an automatic suspension of violator’s licenses. The lengths of a suspension of 45 days to one year, Forty-Three states require offenders to install ignition interlocks on their vehicles. These devices are capable of analyzing a drivers breath, and the ignition is unlocked only if the driver has not been driving. †(Larson) â€Å"A fourth offense operating while intoxicated will be felony if it occurs within five years of an earlier offense. Ignition interlock devices will be required for repeat offenders and first-time offenders at or above a 0. 15 blood alcohol level. †(Drunken Driving Law changes) Over the last 10 years there were twenty-five thousand people that died from drunk driving accidents. Most of the people that were driving that were drunk lived, but the people in the car with the drunk driver died. On September 3, 2012 Taylor moon passed away that morning. The was only 20 years old and lived every day to the fullest. Taylor always knew he would die by doing something he loved. This was driving fast motorcycles and party with his friends. That morning he was leaving a party to go home his blood alcohol level was past 0. 08 percent. He wasn’t watching where he was going and went right into the right side of a car that was coming. Taylor flew across the windshield were my friend AJ that was in the car saw his face and body when Taylor died. A. J didn’t know what to do the first person he called was Anthony; no one understood what A. J was saying because he was crying so much. They didn’t know Taylor that well. They still went to his funeral and talked to his family. If Taylor would have never got on his motorcycle drunk that morning he would still be alive today. His family and friends will all miss him dearly. â€Å"God has my baby now and doesn’t have to feel any more pain. †People could learn from Taylor’s mistakes and not drink and drive at all. Some people don’t get their family and friends will miss them more than they will ever know, because when they are gone their family is still here on earth with the pain of knowing they could never come back. Families are the most important ones because they have always been here to tell them not to drink and mess their life up. Most people don’t care they think it’s fun and it makes them look cool, but it’s not cool. It kills you inside even when you not dead outside. From the first sip, alcohol is absorbed into the bloodstream and reaches the brain. Although you’re not aware of it, there is and impairment of brain function, which deteriorates further the more you drink. â€Å"In most states, a person with a blood alcohol level that exceeds . 08 percent is eligible for a DUI if pulled over. †Most people do not know, however the law needs to lower the blood alcohol level because even if they drink one beer they can still kill dome one in a car accident even if they haven’t had that much. It still messes with your mind and eye sight. â€Å"Alcohol impairment among drivers involved in fatal crashes is about four times higher at night than during the day. †(Get MADD) We need to put a stop to this whole trend now. Drunk driving should be legalized and people shouldn’t drink. If they do drive then someone sober needs to follow them and make sure they are ok and don’t get hurt either. Making the blood alcohol level lower would be a food thing to do for our town and the world. â€Å"Studies are often flawed or the results are confounded by other facts, that there is little evidence that lowering the BAC limit from.  The fact that introducing a lower BAC limits have no necessarily have a demon stable impact on traffic safety should not be taken to suggest that statutory BAC limits have no value in efforts to control the alcohol-crash problem. The function of a BAC limit may be to inform the public that the consumption of alcohol beyond a certain point is considered illegal and dangerous when combined with driving. This is because the general public has only a very superficial understanding of the relationship between alcohol consumption and BAC particularly in terms of their own behavior. Less responsible citizens have a tendency to make very poor decisions concerning driving after drinking. They don’t comply with the existing limit and are unlikely to change their behavior in an attempt to comply with a new lower limit. If so, a reduction in the legal BAC limit, in and of itself, would not be expected to have a substantial impact on the prevalence of impaired driving or alcohol-related crashes. Our critical review of the evaluation literature failed to provide strong, consistent and unqualified support for lowering BAC limit. At best, the results are mixed and the methodological weaknesses in the studies question the robustness and veracity of the evidence. The mission of the Traffic Injury Research Foundation (TIRF) is to reduce traffic-related deaths and injuries. TIRF is a national, independent, charitable road safety institute. Since its inception in 1964, TIRF has become internationally recognized for its accomplishments in a wide range of subject areas related to identifying the causes of road crashes and developing programs and policies to effectively address them. â€Å"Since 1992, San Diego car accident lawyers have seen relatives grieve upon the wrongful death or serious permanent injury of a loved one. â€Å"The drunk driver often survives, but tragically, innocent people are usually killed. † The goal is to arrest more people that drive under the influence of alcohol to get them off the roads. BAC level of . 03 to . 06 a person begins to fell a calming sensation, BAC level of . 06 to . 10 a person reaches this level of intoxication, BAC level of . 11 to . 20 high intoxication levels show a person that would appear very drunk, BAC level of . 20 and up having this high BAC results in an individual that begins to lose any and all judgment and motor function. What this all means is that no one should ever drive a car after having a drink. The good news is that the drunken driving accidents statistics have actually declined in recent years. The car accident statistics are still not low enough, but it is a start. People just should not drink and drive at all no matter where they need to go. A lot of us drive cars. So why do we have to share the roads with people who choose to drink and then drive? Even if you â€Å"aren’t drunk†and are â€Å"just buzzed†you should not be on the roads. Even if you have ONE drink, stay off the roads for a while. Wouldn’t it be a tragedy to you knowing your wife, your child, your friends, or loved one ceased to exist here on earth because of a carless drinker? It would bring my world to a crashing halt. So don’t get behind the wheel of a car if you have had a lot to drink because it could be your life or a life of other people you could take while driving drunk.
Sunday, October 13, 2019
Ecological Systems Theory, Urie Brofenbrenner
Ecological Systems Theory, Urie Brofenbrenner The ecological systems theory of human development is proposed by Urie Brofenbrenner, a Russian American psychologist. In this theory, he stated that everything in a child and also the surrounding environment can affect the child development (Oswalt, 2008). He also developed this theory to comprehend the relationship between the child, the family, teachers, and the society (Growth and Development Theory, 2013). This ecological systems theory is divided into few different levels which are micro system, mesosystem, exosystem, macrosystem and chronosystem. The first level is micro system which is the small immediate environment that is directly connected to the child (Sincero, 2012). As an example, a child has the closest relationship with his parents and family which also can influence the childs development mentally or physically. The relationship between the child and the teachers, friends or also neighbours is also considered to be in the micro system. Next, mesosystem includes the interaction between two microsystems such as the relation between the childs home and the school (Growth and Development Theory, 2013). Exosystem is the level which includes other people and also places that may have no direct interaction with the child but still affects the childs development like his parents workplace, the neighbourhood or even the extended family members (Oswalt, 2008). Macrosystem is a larger level consists of the cultural contexts like ethnicity or other influences such as economic influences and cultural influences (Sincero, 2012). Every environmental event and transitions occur in an individuals life is included in the chronosystem (Sincero, 2012). The events such as marriage, divorce or others that can affect someones life are the examples of this system. 1.2 How does Urie Brofenbrenners ecological systems theory affect the child development? As I have already explained before about this ecological systems theory by Brofenbrenner in the previous page, this theory can actually affect the child development. According to Doll-Yogerst (2011), this model of the ecological systems recognizes that a childs development is affected by the settings and also affects the surrounding in which he spends his time every day. The relationship of the child and the microsystem can also give impact in both directions which is being called as bi-directional influences (Doll-Yogerst, 2011). For example, a childs parents may affect his behaviour or belief but he can also affect his parents behaviour or belief. Particularly, his family is the most essential setting because he spends his time mainly with the family and it has the most influence on him especially the emotion (Doll-Yogerst, 2011). This situation shows that a childs development is influenced the most by his family, if one of his parents is working as a doctor and he understands it a s doctors are good people since they help others, it may gives him the idea to be just like his parent in the future. There are also other important settings that may influence the childs development such as his extended family, teachers, peers, child care centre, school, and preschool or kindergarten (Doll-Yogerst, 2011). These settings are directly interacting with the child because he will encounter his teachers when he is at the school, or playing with his peers in the neighbourhood. The childs development is based on how he experiences while spending time in all these settings (Doll-Yogerst, 2011). It is can be seen in the situation where the child may have stumbled upon a bad experience while playing at the playground that will probably make him to avoid playing at the playground anymore or even good experiences he has that will affect his development. Other than that, a child involves in many microsystems (Bronfenbrenners Microsystems, n.d.). Each of the microsystem interacts with each other which also can be called as mesosystem. The number of quality interactions between settings also has important implications for a childs development (Doll-Yogerst, 2011). For instance, the parents and the teachers at school are both considered as microsystem from the childs point of view. These two microsystems will interact with each other in such situation like parents-teachers conference that usually being held in school. The child probably acts differently in school than at home since he is surrounded by his peers. If the child is having any difficulties or problems at school, the teacher will tell the problems to his parents so that they will acknowledge how their child is doing at school. This interaction between both parties is important that will reflect on the childs development. The other external environments that may have indirect connection with the child but still give huge impacts on him are included in the exosystem level (Doll-Yogerst, 2011). This exosystem level is when the settings that may be unknown to the child for example the parents workplace or colleagues will affect his growth. It can be exemplified in the situation when the parents coming back home with the stress that they get at their workplaces that will influence the childs thoughts (Doll-Yogerst, 2011). Besides that, the government, the economical factors, the mass media can also affect the childs development. For instance, the child is influenced by the animation series on television that leads him to follow what the characters are doing. The largest system in this theory is the macrosystem which consists of the most remote of people and things to a child nevertheless still has a great influence for the child (Oswalt, 2008). This includes cultural values, customs and laws (Ecological S ystems Theory, n.d.). As an example, the child has been raised by following the national laws that drugs are illegal or murder is a crime that will make him obey and acknowledge which is wrong and which is right. The events that happen during the transitions over a lifetime are called chronosytem, which means everything happens in a childs life while he is growing up that may changes his perception. 1.3 How does Urie Brofenbrenners ecological systems theory apply children in preschool and early primary levels. The ecological systems theory is somehow applied to the children in preschool and early primary levels. Horowitz-Degan claims that the childs behaviour can be analyzed by using the environmental influences, as well as the cognitive factors (as cited in Bronfenbrenners Ecological, n.d.). This situation can be seen in preschool or primary school, where the class acts as the microsystem that will give influences to the child. As an example, if a teacher walks into a classroom brightly, it will automatically sets up the mood of the classroom to be warm and friendly which will positively affect the childs cognitive sphere of influence then next encourage the process of learning (Van-Petegem, Creemers, Rossel, and Aelterman, 2005). For instance, a teacher teaches the students excitedly and happily in the classroom, the students will have more interest to listen to the teacher because they have been influenced by the positive vibes from their teacher. In addition, Van-Petegem defines that t he teachers behaviour can also affect the students and can be a model for the consideration of the feelings of others and the value of interactions (as cited in Bronfenbrenners Ecological, n.d.). This shows that this ecological systems theory gives effect on the childs social development in mircosystem which also can be increased through the encouragement given by the teacher. Furthermore, in the preschool centres or primary schools, there will be a playtime provided that will develop the motor skills development in the children (Brofenbrenners Ecological, n.d.). Activities such as creating craft, indoor arts like drawing, colouring or painting can also help in the growth of the students motor skills. While in the classroom, the students will be given the opportunity to speak up their opinions that may give influence to the other students who are listening to the opinions and it will help them in the intellectual development. This is because the students will start thinking about the opinions and try to relate to the knowledge that they already have. If there is an argument happen in the class, the students will try to convey their thoughts to the teacher that will also give a huge impact to them intellectually since they use their minds to counter the argument. Besides, the issues associated with the adults who are involved in the effect of the childs mic rosystem despite of the child have no direct connection to the exosystem (Brofenbrenners Ecological, n.d.). If the parents are having problems at the workplace, it will influence the child at home. Parents may be spend more time on solving their work issues that probably make the child feels that he is being ignored which affects his emotional development. The development of children will also be affected in the macrosystem even though it is the largest layer of ecological systems theory (Brofenbrenners Ecological, n.d.). In this level, the child is influenced by the cultural values that give impact on the social development. 1.4 Summary of Urie Brofenbrenners ecological systems theory. To sum up, the ecological systems theory by Urie Brofenbrenner does apply to child development including the children in preschool and early primary levels. This theory helps the children in intellectual development, emotional development and especially, the social development. Each of the levels in the ecological systems model, microsystem, mesosystem, exosystem, macrosystem and chronosystem, interact with each other to help the childs development. As adults, we need to observe how the child is growing and we need to bear in mind that everything in a childs surrounding has the probability to influence their growth. Parents should be more concern about their childs microsystem in school and spare more time communication with them and not only focusing on work or career.
Saturday, October 12, 2019
Comparative Character Analysis of Classical Vs. Modern Tragic Protagoni
Comparative Character Analysis of Classical Vs. Modern Tragic Protagonists. A hero/ heroine is described as the principal male/ female character in a literary or dramatic work or the central figure in an event, period, or movement. The classic tragic hero was defined by Aristotle in the fourth century as, â€Å"someone who is highly renowned and prosperous†(LATWP, 639), suggesting that there is a â€Å"natural right ordering and proportion of traits within the human being that if violated, produces calamity†(LATWP, 639). The book goes on to define classical tragedy as one that â€Å"involves the inevitable destruction of a noble person by means of character flaw, usually a disproportionate measure of a specific human attribute such as pride, jealousy or indecision†(LATWP, 639). On the other hand, another type of tragic hero exists, the modern tragic hero. This type of hero is a product of a clash between the individual and the social environment. Arthur Miller, the famous playwright said, â€Å"each person has a chosen image of self and position, tragedy results when the characters environment denies the fulfillment of this self concept.†(LATWP, 640). This is a contrast from Aristotle’s classic tragic hero because the hero is no longer born into nobility but gains stature in the action of pitting self against cosmos, and the tragedy becomes, â€Å"the disaster inherent in being torn away from our chosen image of what and who we are in this world.†(LATWP, 640). In the tragic play named after it...
Friday, October 11, 2019
Macbeth Essay Essay
This puts Macbeth at a loss for words , they then look at banquo and tell him his sons will be king someday aswell but not him. â€Å"All hail, Macbeth, hail to thee, Thane of Glamis/ All hail, Macbeth, hail to thee, Thane of Cawdor/ All hail, Macbeth, Thou shalt be king hereafter! †(1. 3. 50-53). This is the first set of prophecies the witches made and the start to Macbeth’s downfall. What the witches done to Macbeth with these prophecies to make him commence his downfall was they filled his head with these positive flattering things that made him want to go to extreme measures just to become what the witches proclaimed would happen. Proof that this first set of prophecies commenced his downfall is once king Duncan had named malcom to be king apposed to Macbeth, Macbeth then considered the idea that he should murder Duncan to become king. The second set of prophecies given to Macbeth appeared as apparitions by the three witches and each apparition gave Macbeth a different prophecy. The first prophecy is an armed head which tells Macbeth to beware of Macduff â€Å" Macbeth! Macbeth! Macbeth! Beware Macduff. Beware the thane of Fife. Dismiss me. Enough. †(4. 1. 74-75). The second apparition appeared as a bloody child who tells Macbeth the only person who can harm him is a man not born of a woman. â€Å" Be bloody, bold, and resolute. Laugh to scorn/The power of man, for none of woman born/Shall harm Macbeth. †(4. 1. 81-83). The final apparition summoned by the witches was a crowned child holding a tree that states Macbeth will not be killed until the woods of birnam are at Dunsinane Hill. Be lion-me ttled, proud, and take no care/Who chafes, who frets, or where conspirers are. /Macbeth shall never vanquished be until/Great Birnam Wood to high Dunsinane Hill/Shall come against him. †(4. 1. 94-98). These summons created by the witches are a big part in Macbeth’s downfall because they gave him more confidence that he would not be killed. Macbeth believed that these prophecies were ridiculous and that it was impossible for him to happen although he did not think them through because all of these prophecies came true in the end. Although the witches gave Macbeth these prophecies making him over confident and giving him the idea to kill Duncan they are not the only ones to blame, Macbeth’s wife Lady Macbeth also played a big role in the downfall of Macbeth by persuading Macbeth to kill King Duncan. She did this by telling him that if the witches prophecies were to come true and he were to become king he must kill those who stood in the way. She then proceeds to question his manhood and makes him feel guilty for her when she says she would kill her own child if she had promised it to her beloved to do it. What beast was ’t, then, That made you break this enterprise to me? When you durst do it, then you were a man; And to be more than what you were, you would Be so much more the man. Nor time nor place Did then adhere, and yet you would make both. They have made themselves, and that their fitness now Does unmake you. I have given suck, and know How tender ’tis to love the babe that milks me . I would, while it was smiling in my face, Have plucked my nipple from his boneless gums And dashed the brains out, had I so sworn as you Have done to this. †(1. 7. 47-59). Lady Macbeth was fully capable of killing the king herself, she had made a good plot to kill him but she never killed him herself because she claimed King Duncan reminded her of her father. â€Å"Had he not resembled/My father as he slept, I had done ’t. †(2. 2. 12-13). If Lady Macbeth would have performed the murder herself Macbeth would not have been driven mad. After Macbeth killed King Duncan the guilt he felt was taking over his mind, saying that there was blood on his hands that would not come off. Lady Macbeth could maybe have comforted him in this time of need but instead she called him mad nd put him down. Although both the witches and Lady Macbeth were contributors to Macbeth’s death they cannot take all the blame for Macbeths death, Macbeth himself plays a big role in the his tragic death. Macbeth knew killing King Duncan was wrong he was always loyal to the king and Duncan trusted Macbeth greatly but he let the witches get into his head and let their prophecies corrupt his mind without no proof saying he had to kill Duncan to become king. Although Lady Macbeth gave him guilt and questioned his manliness he could have told her no he could have told her no and went with what he knew was best. Macbeth’s ambition to hold his spot on the throne was another good reason as to why he died, after killing Duncan Macbeth decided that he should also kill Banquo because Macbeth thought Banquo would suspect him after the prophecies the witches made. This was a mistake by Macbeth because this only made Macbeth more aggressive and his desire to kill stronger. The main mistake Macbeth made was the faith he had towards the prophecies made by the witches, he felt he was invincible. Even once the prophecy about the Birnam Woods reached the castle he belived he could not be killed by anyone because he thought all men were born of a woman. â€Å"Fear not, till Birnam wood/Do come to/Dunsinane†; and now a wood/Comes toward Dunsinane. ’(5. 5. 43-45) â€Å"Thou wast born of woman. /But swords I smile at, weapons laugh to scorn,/Brandished by man that’s of a woman born. (5. 7. 13-15). This confidence followed Macbeth right to his fight against Macduff, once he began to fight with macduff we learn that macduff was actually ripped out of his mothers stomach and not born from the womb making him not born bt a woman. â€Å"Despair thy charm,/And let the angel whom thou still hast served/Tell thee,/Macduff was from his mother’s womb/Untimely ripped. (5. 8. 13-17). Macbeth then accepted his fate and fought Macduff and lost his life. Although there was multiple factors that led to Macbeths demise such as evil witches and a power hungry wife the one who played the biggest role in his death was Macbeth himself. Even though all of the witches prophecies came true there no proof saying they were destined to come true but only that Macbeth caused these prophecies to be true. If Macbeth would have did what he knew was right he would have saved the lives of a lot of people including the wife he loved so dearly.
Thursday, October 10, 2019
Importance of Management and Leadership for an Organization Essay
â€Å"Both management and leadership are needed to make teams and organisations successful. Trying to decide which is more important is like trying to decide whether the right or left wing is more important to an airplane’s flight. I’ll take both please!†(Clemmer, 2005, as cited in McLean, 2005, p.16). The aim of this essay is to answer the age old question as to whether management or leadership is more important to an organisation. Organisations, ranging from professional to social, have been in existence for centuries and the sole purpose of any of these organisations is to grow and succeed. Thus, it is without a doubt that any organisation would accomplish much without a source of management or leadership. Even though it is evident that both management and leadership are both fundamental to a successful organisation, a distinction between the two should be made; although they are both similar in definition and function they do differ in importance in and effe ct on organisations. It is contended that the implementation of good management has a greater benefit, and therefore has more importance, to an organisation than leadership because: leading is considered as an element of the management function; to manage an organisation is to sustain it whereas to lead is to direct it but if there is no management, there is no entity, which leaves nothing for leaders to lead; leadership is focused on the management of people but an organisation is made up of more than just people; and also the value of leadership depends deeply on the structure and size of the organisation in question. The term ‘good’ is often used to describe something of quality and skill; thus, good management simply means management that is of the highest quality and is effective in producing the greatest results for an organisation: â€Å"Excellent results stem from a combination of skilled management, strategic thought and a good dose of general common sense†(Honig, 1999, as c ited in Samson & Daft, 2009, p.14). Every workplace organisation, whether large or small, has a manager or person in charge; whether the appointed person is able to implement good management depends on their skill and capability. Management is the major task of any manager – it involves the use of authority to coordinate and supervise the activities of others and to ensure that tasks are being completed in an effective and efficient manner. More importantly, managers must implement the four key elements of management: planning, organising, leading and controlling in order to attain organisational goals (Bartol, Tein, Matthews & Sharma, 2008). Organisational goals, whether they are sales targets or technological developments, are put in place by managers to set out the purpose and scope of an entity. Without such goals an organisation would cease to exist as there would be no direction to grow or move forward. The process of setting goals and deciding how to achieve them is the planning aspect of the management f unction (Bartol et al., 2008). If effective management is employed, there is a greater likelihood of managers establishing better organisational goals and contingency plans to ensure the future and success of the organisation; because it will not only be goal directed but will also be prepared for unforeseen circumstances that may arise, enabling them to react effectively and efficiently (Samson & Daft, 2009). Good management also assists in the successful implementation of action plans to achieve such organisational goals by organising, allocating, arranging and regulating activities and resources within the workplace (Bartol et al., 2008). Leading and managing are terms often used interchangeably because leading is described as a core activity of any manager (McLean, 2005). Leadership involves managers using influence to motivate employees to engage in plans that work towards achieving organisational goals (Bartol et al., 2008; Samson & Daft, 2009). This suggests that leadership is intertwined within the task of management. So if good management practices are in place in an organisation, leadership is expected to follow in existence. However, the mistake should not be made to describe leadership and management as the same thing – â€Å"leadership is an element of management but is not the same thing†(Lyson cited in Robinson, 1999, p.20). To say that leading and managing is the same would be to ultimately say planning and managing is the same thing; nevertheless, planning is only a function of management, as is leading. Therefore, if an organisation were given a choice between employing either a good manager or a good leader, the good manager would be the safer bet because it would be expected that a good manager encompasses good leadership. Furthermore, the importance of and need for management in a workplace is supported by the idea that organisations are established to succeed and innovate and such is not possib le without the planning and setting of organisational goals and the attainment of these goals by organising, leading and controlling. Once good management is in practice, the four key functions, including leadership, are sure to be carried out effectively and efficiently. The profitability of an organisation is not a result of good management on its own; however, management is a major contributing factor. Every organisation is goal directed, and as ascribed earlier, management is the attainment of organisational goals with the use of planning, organising, leading and controlling (Bartol et al., 2008). The organisational goals act as an entity’s reason for existence, it strives to achieve these goals in order to grow and accomplish. Therefore it can be concluded that the focus of any organisation is to grow and move forward rather than to remain stationary and unproductive and thus there is an assumption that the life of the entity will be on going. The survival of an organisation depends on the ability of the manager to sustain it by utilizing the effective skills of good management. The manager is responsible for making informed decisions about the welfare of the organisation along with the collective resources owned. These decisions aim to not only achieve goals but to sustain and up hold the organisation to ensure its survival in today’s dynamic environment. Thus there is emphasis on an organisation to have good management in order for the entity to survive, which also acts to highlight the importance of effective management. On the other hand, leadership is implemented as the principle dynamic force to guide and motivate subordinates to attain organisational objectives (Burns, 1978, as cited in Shamas & Ofori, 2008) and ultimately bring change to an organisation as more goals are satisfied. If effective leadership is exercised within an organisation, innovation, change and transformation are easily attainable (Bartol et al., 2008). Alternatively, Slap (2010) asserts that although leadership profits and adds value to an organisation by way of innovation, it is not the purpose of introducing leadership. Rather, leadership is used as a tool to share and express important values and experiences to employees in an attempt to bring about an improved change in the workplace environment and in the attitudes held by employees. Leadership in this sense allows leaders to be more easily respected upon employees because they feel more connected with the leader, which also gives the leader greater influence to motivate and encourage hard work. Nevertheless, whichever way leadership is regarded the end result remains the same: innovation of an organisation by way of providing direction to accomplish objectives (Bass, 1990, as cited in Shamas & Ofori, 2008). â€Å"A leader innovates; a manager maintains†(Hollingsworth, as cited in Robinson, 1999, p.20); without effective management to keep the organisation alive it is likely to fail, and consequently leaders will be left taskless – there will be no goals left to achieve, no employees left to motivate and ultimately no organisation left to innovate. This strongly recognises the importance of good management and the added advantage it brings to an organisation; without good management, good leadership will be ineffective and futile. On the contrary, leadership is often considered as a much more pleasant concept in comparison to that of management: â€Å"leaders are seen as charismatic and often are admired and held in high esteem, managers frequently are thought of as the organization’s taskmasters with a whip in one hand and a bullhorn for screaming out orders in the other hand†(Kotterman, 2006, p. 13). Zaleznik (1977) and Burns (1978), as cited in Nienaber ( 2010), portray management as â€Å"mundane, uninspiring and tactical by nature†and in addition, asserting that management alone cannot guarantee the success of an organisation. Consequently, it has been argued that leadership should be favoured at the expense of management in a successful organisation (Spurgeon & Cragg, 2007, as cited in Nienaber, 2010). One of the most important aspects of leadership is the leaders’ followers (Bennis, 1989, as cited in Shamas & Ofori, 2008). Iscoe (2005, as cited in McLean, 2005) argues that people would rather follow a leader than a manger, if given the option; this is not surprising as leaders tend to focus more on the people rather than any other aspect of the organisation because in order for a leader to effectively influence and lead others they must work to gain the trust and respect of their followers. Thus, there are various positive reasons as to why leaders are commended over managers among the people, some of which are highlighted in Maccoby (2000), as cited in Shamas & Ofori (2008)., p.63: â€Å"hope of success, trust in the leader, excitement about a project or mission, or the opportunity to stretch on eself to the limit†. Unlike management, leadership is not an assigned role or title placed on someone. The task of managing a corporation is specific to the teams of managers who are formally appointed the position whereas leaders can stem from any sector of an organisation. Therefore, managers are associated with formal authority (McLean, 2005) which means people secondary to them in the organisational hierarchy may view managers as intimidating and unapproachable which further emphasises why leaders are more favourable in an organisation. Yet in reality, success isn’t easily achievable and so in order to attain it, compromise must occur. An organisation cannot survive on leadership alone, because although a leader may possess few managerial qualities, they are unable to satisfy all the tasks of a manager. Nevertheless, as every workplace organisation involves employees, it is evident that leadership is a fundamental aspect of any entity because leaders are responsible for managing the people. However, organisations are about more than just the workers, which illustrates the prevailing importance of managers to control all the remaining aspects of an organisation such as goals, plans, assets and resources. As previously mentioned, every organisation involves employees. The McDonalds restaurant is the largest fast food chain in the world, operating over 30,000 franchises in over 100 countries worldwide. It was revealed in the 2010 McDonalds annual report that the organisation employs over 1.7 million workers from all age groups across their stores. In enormous corporations such as McDonalds, with such a vast number of employees, it is expected that both leaders and managers are equally essential in running the organisation because there is an equally enormous number of duties to be satisfied. However, in contrast, a small, family-owned, local milk bar may only have, at most, three employees. Clearly leadership is not as important in an organisation of three people in comparison to that of one with over one million people, simply because such a minute organisation does not require such a deep extent of leadership. However, it is not to say that the manager of the milk bar should not possess leadership qualities because even though there are very few employees, motivation and communication of direction must still take place (Nienaber, 2010) in order for the business to thrive. Although both management and leadership are both important functions of an organisation, a number of moderating factors determine the effectiveness and importance of leadership including size of the organisation (Fiedler, 1967; Gardner et al., 2005, as cited in Shamas and Ofori, 2008) whereas, regardless of size or type, every organisation needs a person in charge. In other words, management is important and is needed in every organisation but the extent to which leadership is needed varies among different organisations. Conclusively, although leadership and management are functions that must be applied to any successful organisation, effective management has prevailing importance. Theoretically, management is defined as the attainment of organisational goals through planning, organising, leading and controlling (Bartol et al., 2008). Thus it is clear that leadership is encompassed in the task of management so if a manager can perform their task effectively, leadership is likely to follow. However the reverse is not true, as to lead is to influence, direct and motivate others to achieve goals, not to control so management is not a facet of leadership. Management is often considered as a control mechanism in an organisation which some tend to find intimidating and off putting which is why leadership is usually the preferred, softer option (Kotterman, 2006). However, the focus of leaders is often on the people but people are obviously just one aspect of an organisation which is why managers are more important because there are so many other features of an organisation to be controlled. By influencing people to complete tasks effectively and efficiently, leaders bring about change and innovation in an organisation. However, without management acting to sustain organisations in today’s turbulent environment, there is simply no place left for a leader (Hollingsworth, as cited in Robinson, 1999). Finally, the essentiality of leadership in an organisation depends greatly on the size and type of a corporation whereas management is equally important in any and all organisations. These points clearly demonstrate that good management is more important to a successfully running organisation than good leadership. All in all, if an organisation were given an ultimatum between a good manager and a good leader, the good manager is likely to prevail.
Film techniques
A shot Of a person landing to set a bomb in a building would for instance require the film maker to use a close up or better still an extreme close up to show the tense feeling in the characters' eye. Using a long shot in this scene will not clearly bring out the message since the long shot does not reveal details or emotions. Any motion picture is made up of basic elements of a sequence referred to as the shots. This paper illustrates how various shots are used in film making to form a sequence and to convey different messages.Extreme long shot It is usually referred to as an establishing shot. This is because it orients the ewer to the location. It is an opening shot that is used to tell the viewer the exterior environment that the film is taking place. It therefore describes the location of the scene that could be the outside buildings, a geographical landscape of a town or city among other locations. It normally reveals landscapes. Usually a viewer cannot clearly see a specific o bject in this kind of shot though he or she sees the environment.It answers the question ‘Where?. The extreme long shot can also be used to set the atmosphere of the scene. An extreme shot of an arid land with wind and dust blowing up into the air an tell the audience that the place is a dry atmosphere probably a desert scene. The shot can also be used to show a broad range of action. For example a battle of soldiers fighting each other can be captured using this shot so that no action is missed. Every action and element on set is to be seen since each MIS -en- scene tells a story.The actors on field fighting create suspense, the color on set could be used to relate the environment with a familiar one in the viewers' mind, the props could be used to effect the mood and so every miser-I-scene is captured using the extreme long shot. It is also known as the wide shot. Eng Shot (L S) It is usually taken with a wide-angle lens and at times referred to as the full shot. If the subj ect is a human being the shot usually display from head to toe without revealing much of the surroundings. This kind of shot usually establishes a relationship between the subject and its environment.In most cases it answers the question ‘Who' because it reveals the subject to the viewer. The shot identifies the character in the story. It is used to create an illusion of reality in the audiences' mind. It depicts an image in a manner that ill occur in real life. Take for instance when in real life a visitor walks in an office. The human eye just like the lens of the camera will first tale a wide look of the entire office, before looking at Mr.. X seated in the office chair then lastly the eye will start looking at small details such as the pen on the desk, files on the shelves and other tiny details.A long shot may at times be used to demean the subject because the subject appears smaller than the surrounding. Generally it sets in motion the audience's perception of time, plac e and logical action of the scene that is about to take place. Medium Shot (MS) A medium shot is usually used in conversations to establish the relationship between characters on stage. The shot does not demean the subject on the contrary it places the audience on equal footing with the subject. It therefore answers the question ‘what' because it shows the relationship between actors and events in the story.If the subject is a human being the shot shows from waist up to the head. A normal lens is used for shooting the medium shot. It is also used to smoothly bridge the jump between the L'S and the M. S so as to create an illusion of a mutinous Story in the mind of the viewer. A continuous Story depicts reality and leads to greater understanding of the story line. A two shot A two shot is a type of medium shot used in dialogue scene between two actors by having them both in the frame as they carry on their conversation. It is a common shot in interviews.It consists of two actor s standing or sitting next to each other or a variation of an over-dosshouses shot where one actor's back is closer to the camera than the other actor facing the camera. Close-up (CUE) It is the heart of the picture. This shot shows a part of the subject. For example, a close up of a hand of a human body or face or leg, or wristwatch on the arm. It is used to emphasize a character's emotion and can effectively be used to create suspense in the viewers' mind. This type of shot can also be used to show intimacy and warmth.The shot takes the viewer to the mind of the character and this way the audience is made to feel comfortable with the character on set. Extreme Close-Up (SEC) This shot is taken using a telephoto lens and is tighter than a close up shot. It shows a small detail that would otherwise be missed in a wider shot. It is armorial referred to as a detail shot that shows emotions to the audience. The SEC is also used to create some emotion in the viewer% eyes. For instance a scene of a person crying, this sad emotion will clearly be depicted if the viewer notices the tears falling from a subject's eyes.In most cases it answers the question ‘To what effect' because it depicts emotions. An extreme close-up can also be used to bring about the dramatic aspect of a story. For instance two characters quarrelling in a film, the editor might decide to use an SEC of a knife on the table to create anxiety in the viewer's mind. The viewer is left anticipating what will happen next in the conflict and how the knife will be used. The SEC can also be used to achieve the editing principle of duration and pace. It is used in creating high tempo in a story.For instance when the storyline is approaching end of its climbing action, the duration of the shots are usually short and the action is ramping up, this is the time when an SEC is effectively used. They set up the pace of the film. For example a scene that involves police chasing kidnappers, the editor would us e SEC combined with other shots but cut at a fast speed to intensify the action. In a film that's mainly a documentary focusing on nature, an extreme close up is used to show viewers even the tiniest of creatures such as crawling insects. This is because it tends to enlarge the image.A good example is The National Geographic documented series that uses the SEC to capture images that are out Of eyes reach unless one uses the telephoto lens. Reaction shot A reaction shot such as a smiling lady would depict emotions to the viewer during a conversation on set. This type of shots are also used to tell a characters' trait . Let can also be a cut away or cut in. A cut away is a shot that is not part of the main action but is related to the scene. For example a shot of a clock on the wall when people are talking in a room is a cut away.It can also be a cut -in which on the other hand is related to the main action. For example a shot that's a close up of a lady grin her face as she prepares a fish meal and another one of her hands washing the fish. These two types of reaction shots are used to add interest in the story and to kill monotony of action. The eye likes variety. They shot helps the viewer not to get bored as they add interest to the story. Arc shot A shot in which the camera is usually placed at a higher angle, and it rotates the subject in a semi-circle.This shot reveals new details about the background that the subject is standing on and is effectively used to glue the audience to the scene. The shot creates a dramatic feel to the scene while drawing the audience attention. Dutch shot This is a shot where the camera is deliberately tilted on its side, to create an oblique angle. It is often used to suggest disorientation, to create a dramatic effect, to portray uneasiness, to create a frantic mood or to show a harassers' intoxication. Was commonly used by German Expressionism.It is usually used to show the psychological uneasiness or tension in the subject being filmed. Camera angles can also be used to give a variety of shots that pass a message to the viewer. A camera angle refers to the relationship between the camera and the object being shot. They are used to draw emotional feelings to the audience, to help the audience in judging the character on set and even their personality. The Bird's-Eye view A scene is shot from directly overhead. The subject is made to look insignificant and very small.The shot creates an illusion in the viewers' mind that a character is powerless and out of control of the situation. Filmmakers use this shot in horror scenes to show a victims' desperate situation. For example a character running from murderers may want to hide in a basement of a building out of fear of being killed; the compression will take his/ her shot using the birds view shot to show the desperate state. A High angle shot This shot usually looks slightly down upon a subject. It is usually shot using a crane, a compression standing o n a hill, or on a raised surface.The subjects appear smaller than they actually are in real life or under normal eye level view. Just like the birds eye view shot, it is normally used to create an illusion in the viewers' mind that the character is powerless. For example a scene of a mum scolding a child, the child can be taken using a high angle to show the viewer that the mum is more powerful than the child. A low angle shot This shot looks up to a subject and it gives power to the subject. It is normally taken with a camera placed lower than the subject's eye or as low as the ground (The worms view).
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